Tuesday, October 25, 2011

10/25/2011 Day Thirteen Painting #13

It looks like crayon, but it is not. It looks much better in person. It's a canvas covered in rice paper with glossy medium, the flowers are plastic stems w/ tissue paper. The paints are washed out acrylics.


Looking at it now, I see I failed the concept. For some reason, I felt compelled to add all the washes to cover the canvas. It only needed a splash of color, instead I ended up making it look like a coloring book. I may have to revisit this one as well.

I do realize by doing 30in30, I end up posting rough drafts. It is sort of like filming the first draft of a screenplay: incomplete and undeveloped. However by doing 30in30, I am forcing myself to create something everyday. Warts and all. Many lessons learned. So far, there are only one or two that I actually like and several I would like to do over.

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